put away<-->put off
put down 记下, 写下; 把…放下; 使(飞机)降落; 镇压;扑灭;消灭 (1) 写下 write down [例句] Put down your name, please. 请写下你的名字。 Please put down the following facts. 请把下面的事实记下来。 (2) 把…放下 set down [例句] After he finished his exercise,he put down his pen. 他做完练习,就放下笔。 (3) 使(飞机)降落 cause (an aeroplane) to land; (an aeroplane or aeroplane pilot) land [例句] The glider put down there at noon. 滑翔机中午在那里降落。 (4) 镇压;扑灭;消灭 suppress by force; destroy [例句] All the medical workers in the region helped to put down the influenza epidemic. 这个地区的所有医务工作者参加了消灭流行性感冒的工作。
put away<-->put off
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