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make up one's mind 下决心 They gave me a week to make up my mind. 他们允许我有一周的时间作决定。 I can't make up my mind whether to come or not. 我不能决定是去呢?还不去呢? It took me a long time to make up my mind. 我用了很长时间才打定主意。 He wouldn't make up his mind,but she did. 他没下定决心,但她下了。 At last, he make up his mind to do it. 他终于下定决心做这件事。 We couldn't make up our minds what to do next. 下一步该怎么办我们决定不了。 My mother is very slow to make up her mind. 我母亲下决心很慢。
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