break through<-->bring about
break up 驱散, 学校的放学(假);结束,散会;解散,关系破裂 The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不使用武力驱散人群。 When will you break up this winter? 今年冬季你们什么时候放假? The stricken tanker began to break up on the rocks. 油轮被击中后撞上礁石,毁了。 They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定终止合作关系。 Everyone begin shout at once and the meeting break up in disorder. 大家一下子全都喊叫起来,会议秩序大乱而被迫中断。 The crowd started to break up when the night fell. 天快黑时人群开始散开了。 You should break up your wasteful habits. 你应该改掉挥霍的习惯。
break through<-->bring about
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